A hyperrealistic, hyper-detailed image of a creature undergoing a three-phase transformation in a sunlit, mystical jungle. The creature begins as a small, innocent, plant-like being with soft, moss-covered skin and bright emerald green eyes. Delicate tendrils and tiny leaves gently sprout from its back. As the transformation begins, the leaves on its back begin to pulsate, and with each breath, glowing veins spread over its body like ancient, living circuits. Its skin becomes harder, reptilian, and adorned with complex organic patterns that radiate original energy. In the middle transformation phase, powerful roots begin to emerge from its limbs and intertwine with its form. Its once cheerful emerald green eyes transform into a deep, burning purple. The creature's body gradually expands and becomes more muscular as the tendrils develop into thick, plant-like structures that offer both protection and strength.
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